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Turns out there’s a sciatic under another Alliance model by the Liaison guy who posts a lot here. Alliance didn’t see the need to provide it to us….but that’s OK because it was all wrong. When I downloaded it, hoping it would help, I found it wasn’t even close to reality! It says there is a bundle of wires behind the coax plate in the belly…left unattached so we could decide which wires to use for satellite and cable connections. Stooopid and unprofessional? You betcha! It also indicates it’s the top coax on both places for satellite dishes. I found a white cable on the top coax behind the TV with a black cable on the bottom coax. The top coax at the ‘water utility’ panel in the belly was Orange and a White cable on the bottom coax. I move the White cable to the top coax and left the bottom coax alone….because there’s no Black cable to be found. Went back inside to test the signal….no go. Pulled the Weingard plate off: found two black cables that neck down to two small, black wires connecting to the mounting plate. No Orange or White cables in there! Since there’s no manual, wiring diagrams, schematics, or anything but a bogus drawing, I’m stumped. I will use my coax tracing tool to hopefully figure out what these bozos did, but doubt I can figure it out. If anyone out there has info, please share. Good thing Alliance didn’t build my F250 or VW ID4 EV: I’d be pizzzed to have to rewire them to listen to a radio!!!