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Slide to the left, now to the Right. ;)


New to the slide out game and wondering if they have stops. How do you know when it's all the way out or in? Last night for the first time I slide in to close up and it got slower as it got tight and I stopped but this morning I'm looking at the outside and the bottom isnt as tight as the top so I wonder if I should have kept going but then don't want to damage something.
I was also told to always go all the way in or out, never half way cause it could put them out of calibration.
Any other tips tricks I should know now at the beginning of my slide journey?
Thanks folks..


Well-known member
All in and all out. Hydraulic slide, you’ll hear the sound change, as well as the others. Not sure why alliance felt the need to use 3 different mechanisms on my valor, but it is what it is. Remember, all in and out.


Well-known member
That is correct on the hydraulic slides. I question the use of 3 different mechanisms on the same coach though. All three slides on my daydreamer were hydraulic. I know the hydraulics are used for the heavier slide units, almost exclusively.