• Click here to access some of the presentations made during the 2022 National Rally

Rally Registration - What to know

Jim Beletti

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What to know about Rally Registration

  • Rally registration is planned for Monday, January 17th at 1 pm Eastern

  • Rally Registration will be done online
    When registration is open, a link to the registration page will be posted on the Alliance RV Group Facebook page and on the Rally Registration website.

  • A Venue Map has been developed that depicts Camping Areas and Rally Activity areas
    Follow this link to download the Venue Map document (PDF). Study the document and make a priority order of camping area selections. This will serve you well during registration in the event your preferred area is sold out.

  • A Registration Checklist has been developed
    We strongly suggest you download the checklist, print it out, do your rally research and complete the checklist by hand. By doing so, you'll be ready to go once registration is launched. Follow this link to download the Checklist.

Please be aware of some easy to overlook registration issues that could prevent you from adding your registration to the cart or complete the registration and billing process.

Camping Area Selection
While we’ve asked everyone to choose their top 3 Camping Area choices. Having these choices ready will allow you to quickly move through the Camping Area options, should some of them be sold-out when you register. You will only select a single Camping Area during the registration process.

All Fields are Required on the Registration Page
Responses are required for all 11 fields on the registration page.

Cancellation Policy Acknowledgement
At the bottom of the Rally Registration page, just above the Add to Cart button, our Cancellation Policy is listed and registrants are required to check the box acknowledging the policy before they can add their registration to the cart.

All Fields are Required on the Checkout page
Responses are required for all billing details on the checkout page.

Terms and Conditions Acknowledgement
At the bottom of the Checkout page, just above the Place Order button, a link to our Website Terms and Conditions policy is listed and registrants are required to check the box acknowledging the policy before they can place their order.
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