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Greystone range flame too high


Well-known member
I have a greystone 3 burner range in my alliance avenue 32rls.
Even when turned all the way down I cannot get to a simmer. Pretty much just a boil is as low as it goes.
I know home ranges have an adjustment for this, but I have not found anything on this range.
Anyone had to adjust theirs?


Well-known member
While I have no direct experience with this stove, as you stated home appliances do have an adjustment for this. In many cases the adjustment would be within the gas/burner control valve itself. I assume you have removed the knobs and looked for some sort of adjustment screw. Perhaps inside the burn knob shaft? Might be worth a call to the manufacturer for further clarity. I would also guess system regulated pressure could factor into this as well. Might be wise to have a certified tech take a look at things.


Well-known member
Here's the Manual for your stove ... found (for now) under the Resources menu above. (This will be moving to the Alliance Academy section of the website in the near future.

Doesn't address your question directly, but the exploded parts view may get you to where you need to look.