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Electronic toilet?

In February we bought a 2023 Paradigm 395DS, which has two bathrooms. The front bathroom has a standard foot flush toilet, the rear has this crazy electric toilet. Do your business then push a button on the wall, it flushes (usually). It has a sensor which let's you know as the tank gets full, then if full it stops floating. Great in concept, but the sensors seem off, much like any black tank sensor. You have to push and hold the flush button to override it. Why did Alliance put two different toilets on one unit, especially one I would think to be more costly.

Anyone else have a problem with their Electric Throne?

2023 Alliance Paradigm 395DS


Well-known member
We have a 385FL with the macerater toilet in the full bath, and it’s our “go to” for #2! Ours behaves properly, in fact when it doesn’t flush we know it’s time to dump. The “downside” is, it uses a gallon of water every flush, not boon-dock friendly (yes I know there’s a less water option). The reason it’s there at all is it’s plumbed through a 1 1/2 inch line to the single black tank in the middle of the camper, straight under the powder room toilet. I don’t ever worry about left over solids in the black tank, they’re ground up.


We took delivery of a 2024 395DS in August. Same rear toilet. It doesn’t flush well and the water supply line is now leaking so I’ve had to isolate it awaiting repairs.

Is the macerator toilet required due to it not being near the black tank?

If not required, can it be changed out for the old fashioned, foot-flush type toilet?

Jim Beletti

We took delivery of a 2024 395DS in August. Same rear toilet. It doesn’t flush well and the water supply line is now leaking so I’ve had to isolate it awaiting repairs.

Is the macerator toilet required due to it not being near the black tank?

If not required, can it be changed out for the old fashioned, foot-flush type toilet?
It's my understanding that we use the macerator when the distance to the tank plus any obstructions, prevent us from using ABS pipe with the proper pitch to get to the tank. I also believe that in some cases, we share a gray tank with a macerating toilet.


It's my understanding that we use the macerator when the distance to the tank plus any obstructions, prevent us from using ABS pipe with the proper pitch to get to the tank. I also believe that in some cases, we share a gray tank with a macerating toilet.
Thanks, Jim. That seems to be the case.

The leak was because the water supply line wasn’t pushed all the way onto the fitting before the hose clamp was tightened. Easy enough fix.

But the lazy, sometimes complete lack of flush for each button push is strange. Could something be wired incorrectly at the control box?


It's my understanding that we use the macerator when the distance to the tank plus any obstructions, prevent us from using ABS pipe with the proper pitch to get to the tank. I also believe that in some cases, we share a gray tank with a macerating toilet.
Also, somebody at the company was able to confirm your last sentence. At least for our 395 DS VIN, everything (shower, sink, toilet) in the aft bathroom drains to one black tank.


Maybe someone can help solve this problem. We have a Paradigm 385FL 2022 that we purchased new this past August. It has the bathroom in the back with the macerator toilet, one black tank. We need to dump the black tank every day, there are only two of us and the black tank will show that it is 1/3 full and the panel on the macerator toilet will read full. It is a SaniFlo/SaniMarin toilet. Is that normal? Can we leave the black tank open? We have a seasonal site and flush the tank and leave water and chemical in it when we leave. But dumping every day seems excessive and I realize it uses a lot of water. But why would the black tank only say it is 1/3 full. Our dealer is great, but they do not seem to know much about that toilet. We love our trailer.


Well-known member
The black tank on the 385FL is 53 gallons - that’s a lot of flushing. How long does it take to drain - it might help you gauge how much fluid is actually in the tank. Also, I’d never suggest leaving the black tank valve open - the solids would still gather on the bottom of the tank and that’s never good. I’m more inclined to believe there’s an issue with the toilet sensor, which is independent of the tank level sensors.

This might be your manual, or if it’s close, may help you: https://www.sanimarin.com/app/uploads/2018/11/notice-sanimarin-complete.pdf


Yes, I know it is 53 gallons, so it should not be full in a day. It only takes a minute or two to empty the black tank. Thank you for the manual. I have one and the control panel could have something to do with it, that will be the next thing checked. Do you know where the control panel is? I believe it may be in the back corner near the heat duct. Another question, does much heat come out of your back bathroom heat duct? We love the trailer and just need to work out a few bugs.


Well-known member
So, our 385 was built in April 2021 and came with a Dometic 7640 toilet, so I don’t have a control panel. It does properly read the black tank level and stop flushing.

No complaints from us about the rear heat duct, although several people commented about really excessive lengths of flexible duct laying under the floor. (Full disclosure, in late fall, we do have one of those small ceramic heaters on the dresser, plugged in with the bedroom TV.)
dealer tells me the back laundry draining into the second black tank along with the rear toilet is normal.
this seems strange due to it means we have to flush the tank every day we do laundry.

does anyone else see this or can you confirm?

2 Allies

Well-known member
Our 24 385fl has the washer drain plumbed to the gray water line coming from the vanity drain from the main bath.

Assume the others do as well. The line runs adjacent to the black water drain from the macerator toilet.

Hope this helps.
sounds great and as it should be but, on this unit, alliance says it is plumbed into the black. this makes the back toilet basically unusable we live full time and laundry is a daily issue, so the black has to remain open. we have proven this to be true by monitoring the tank level during the laundry cycle. only thing going to second gray is kitchen and the sink in back.
thank you for response


New member
We are on our first outing in our new 2023 385fl. The aft toilet which seems to be the Thetford 7640 stopped flushing. Quite the mess. Also is leaking waste water under the base. Can’t really go home and I don’t know how soon our dealer would get us in. Should I be worried about floor damage? Any such thing as mobile service. We are in Island Park Idaho. Thanks for any and all help!


Well-known member
If all plumbing and electrical systems are properly installed, is your black tank full? The toilet has its own tank level sensor and stops operation when the tank is full. You could still lightly press on the foot flush and over-fill the toilet bowl.

I found a manual for the 7640 at: https://marinesan.com/content/files/7640 toilet manual.pdf

If this manual does not describe your unit, it may not be the right one.


New member
It's my understanding that we use the macerator when the distance to the tank plus any obstructions, prevent us from using ABS pipe with the proper pitch to get to the tank. I also believe that in some cases, we share a gray tank with a macerating toilet.

If all plumbing and electrical systems are properly installed, is your black tank full? The toilet has its own tank level sensor and stops operation when the tank is full. You could still lightly press on the foot flush and over-fill the toilet bowl.

I found a manual for the 7640 at: https://marinesan.com/content/files/7640 toilet manual.pdf

If this manual does not describe your unit, it may not be the right one.
Thanks for the help! Black tank is far from full. Sensor reads empty. I‘ll check out manual


Well-known member
Many folks have been fulled by incorrect sensor readings, not saying yours is incorrect, BUT have you tried draining the tank just to see if the sensor is telling you the truth? It would be a quick and easy check.