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Coax situation defined with input from Wingard/Dish and youtube Alliance videos


Well-known member
Sooo…Alliance does have video records of use, but hard to find; but they can be found on youtube through searches. Found one on TV and coax cables reinforcing the ‘bundled, unconnected coax’ system. Opened the belly ‘door’ covering solar ad other components; waaayyyy behind the utility area wall, there really are some coax cables connected to the wall. The two cables behind the brown cover plate are actually stubbed off, short cables! Those two will attach to two of the coaxes hidden back there. Owners must find them; access them; and figure out which coax goes where. You can’t even use the coax colors as a guide, because their video states colors may vary based on what was available! In fact, I have one cream and two whites for Satellite; also have black and orange. identifying specific cables using a coax cable tester is problematic; the tester flashed two different shunt colors. Great! I presume it may be related to a design/construction error of including a switch or splitter; or, worse yet, a worker may have shorted out wiring. There is a standard procedure Alliance is proud of based on their ads: cutting wires too long. Sounds good not leaving us short on wires and cables, but for video systems especially, it induces voltage drop from line drop. Winegard wouldn’t discuss circuitry for my Wally-Playmaker 2 connectivity because of excess cabling/wiring and splitters. Bottom line for Deltas: the two brown cover plates behind the TV serve two, mostly separate purposes. The Winegard plate with two, green LEDs are for the OTA and Cable only. The brown plate with two coax connectors: top is for Satellite; bottom for Cable. The White coax cable possibly will tie together the three TVs, although Alliance’s video indicates the three should be standalone; the bottom coax, possibly Black, Orange, or whatever they chose to use, will serve the same purpose down in the belly. I couldn’t get a stable connection displayed on my coax tester which is common for digital lines with splitters. Testing and finding “pairs” to join means we must get into the storage area to access the cables behind the wall. Fine, if you’re young and spry; but at almost 77, with too much Titanium in the legs makes it tough. After all that, still couldn’t get a stable connection for my Dish antenna and Wally. I’m hoping the wifi switch on the Winegard plate will control power for our Gateway; supposed to. Special note: called Alliance‘s Service number for input: they won’t talk on the phone. They request an email with photos, detailed description, last six of your VIN, etc….then will contact you in 1-5 days. I’m adding that to the email to the two owners explaining why there won’t be another Alliance in my future.