• Click here to access some of the presentations made during the 2022 National Rally

2023 Minnesota July Rally

Added to Calendar: 07/20/23, 07/21/23, 07/22/23, 07/23/23, 07/24/23


Alliance related Facebook Admin
Event Type
Event Name
MN Fam-Ally Rally
Start Date
Jul 20, 2023
End Date
Jul 24, 2023
Venue Name
Royal Oaks RV Park
Venue Website
Venue Contact
Venue Phone Number
Venue Email Address
Venue Street Address
2874 Fenske Farm Ln SE
Venue City
Venue State / Province
Venue Zip Code
Number of Sites Held
Event Host Name
Heath and Theresa Knapper Smith
Message Event Host
Rally Website: https://www.sites.google.com/view/mnalliancerally

2023 MN Alliance Owners Fam-Ally Rally – Bemidji MN ~ Itinerary (Your Time is YOURS, these are just some options for you to consider)
Thursday, July 20, 2023
➢ 7:00 p.m. Campfire Meet & Greet (S’mores & Campfire pies provided)
Friday, July 21, 2023
➢ Wine Tasting?
➢ 6:00 p.m. Potluck dinner (Set up @ 5:45) ➢ 8:00 p.m. Campfire
Saturday, July 22, 2023
➢ Classes? Information?
➢ 12:00 Silent Auction to benefit Boys & Girls Club
o Forest Edge Wine, RV Accessories, Handmade Crafts
o Morecompletelisttofollow
➢ 6:00 p.m. Alliance co-sponsored meal (ham/porketta on buns) with potluck sides & desserts
o SilentAuctionresults ➢ 8:00 p.m. Campfire
Sunday, July 23, 2023
➢ 9:00 a.m. Pancake feed in the Community Building ➢ Classes/Information??
➢ 3:00 p.m. Bingo & Prizes???
➢ 7:00 p.m. Campfire
Monday, July 24, 2023
➢ 10:00 a.m. Good-byes
Things To Do/See in the Community
• Minnesota Nice Café
• Fozzies BBQ
• Bemidji Brewing
• Forest Edge Winery – Wine Tasting
• Hatchet House of Bemidji
• Paul & Babe on Lake Bemidji
• Woolen Mills
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Alliance related Facebook Admin
We would be interested but are not on FB to reply.
Hi TJJ! My name is Heath. My wife Theresa and I are hosting the MN Rally. We are very incited about it. And very glad to hear your interest in coming. I have a lot of the information listed above, and can answer any questions you may have personally also. My Cell number is (218) 750-7075. Texting is easier most times as I still have my full time job also. Just let me know any questions you have or anything I can be of assistance with. Happy to hear from you. And glad to help in any way we can.

Jim Beletti

Well-known member
The Beletti's are coming! Just made our reservation online. Asked to be put with the group. We arrive 20-Jul and depart 24-Jul. See everyone there!


Alliance related Facebook Admin
The Beletti's are coming! Just made our reservation online. Asked to be put with the group. We arrive 20-Jul and depart 24-Jul. See everyone there!

Awesome!! Will be great putting a face to a name! And having someone from Alliance there!! Thank you so much!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Alliance related Facebook Admin
If you are contacting Royal Oaks campground for reservations, please leave a message. The owner Terri, has a full time job in the off season now. She will get back to you asap. She has had a lot of calls concerning the Rally but people are t leaving messages, or contact info to get back to them. Also, she will be returning emails soon. She is on vacation this week.

Theresa Knapper

Alliance related Facebook Admin
This event has been created by forum Admin, Jim Beletti on behalf of the rally wagon masters, Heath and Theresa Knapper Smith, from a post in the MN Alliance Owners Facebook group

A gathering of MN Alliance Owners...the 1st MN Rally. we will meet and greet, visit and laugh. I will have an itinerary in the following weeks to share.
The rough draft of our itinerary has been added to post #1...because it is a rough draft, things are subject to change. Feedback is welcome.
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Alliance related Facebook Admin
We are still making headway on the rally. Once the new year is here, it’ll start moving faster. Right now in MN we have cold and snow. Yuck! Looking forward to the spring and camping season! Hope everyone is having a great holiday season.


Alliance related Facebook Admin
You are so very welcome. We really enjoy doing things like this. And are already working on planning for 2024!!

Theresa Knapper

Alliance related Facebook Admin
Pat and I are looking forward to it! Heath and Theresa, Thanks for coordinating the event!
We are looking forward to it as well. Can not wait to meet MN Allies! The plans are coming together more and more. I should be able to get the itinerary out in the next few months. And maybe even a list of items for the silent auction 🙂

Theresa Knapper

Alliance related Facebook Admin
Remember that there is 6 months before the Rally! Get your reservations in! We have Bingo prizes, Silent Auction items (proceeds go to Bemidji Boys & Girls Club), potluck dinners, Pancake feed, tour of Woolen Mills, and a lot more in the works! Come and join the fun!

Theresa Knapper

Alliance related Facebook Admin
Please check out the rally website to stay updated. You will find the itinerary, potluck sign ups, and other information on the website. I am updating the site as new information comes in. I will also be confirming all plans for the rally by June 1 so hopefully I can list all items that will be in the auction as well as have the itinerary finalized!


Alliance related Facebook Admin
Well, we are getting closer and closer! And more people are signing up. Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions for the Rally. We are doing what we can to make sure it’s a great event Should be some fun and fellowship for all!!

Theresa Knapper

Alliance related Facebook Admin
Good Morning! We have the itinerary pretty well completed. I am working on the silent auction sheets this morning but wanted to share the itinerary. Heath and I will be at the campground from the 19th to the 25th. We were able to schedule a wine tasting for the 20th and will be a cost of $16 per person. Please see the link for the itinerary. https://docs.google.com/document/d/...ouid=116936391011404839296&rtpof=true&sd=true

Theresa Knapper

Alliance related Facebook Admin
A form has been created for imput we would like to have from our members for the 2024 Fam-Ally Rally. Please complete the form as soon as possible ... we are hopping to announce dates and location for the 2024 Rally in a week or 2. Thank you!