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GFCI on the kitchen island tripping with nothing plugged into any of the outlets it controls.


We have a 2024 385FL and all of a sudden the GFCI outlet on the kitchen island keeps tripping. It even trips with nothing plugged in to those outlets. It trips after about 5 minutes. Is anyone else having this problem?


Thank you and I will look at that, however would it not trip immediately instead of about 5 minutes later? Grasping at straws here.


Well-known member
It is probably bad. Sometimes they just go bad especially if they have been tripped to many times?


Well-known member
I had a similar issue with my GFCI outlet in the bathroom. It fed the kitchen, outdoor and coffee bar outlet legs and would trip after a few minutes, even when there was nothing plugged into any of the outlets.

After a trip to the factory, hours of checking connection and replacing outlets, nothing resolved the issue. I ended up bypassing the kitchen outlets near a water source, which reduced to total outlets being powered through one GFCI. This has stopped the tripping and everything tests out properly. I don’t know if this is the absolute best path forward, but it appears to be safe and being able to use all my outlets is nice.


Well, something new today. After I took it out and looked at it last night I found nothing. I put it back in, reset it and it worked just fine until about 15 minutes ago, that was approximately 18 hours. All of a sudden it tripped again! I am fairly good with electrical issues because of my Air Force career, but not sure what is happening here.


Well-known member
Well, something new today. After I took it out and looked at it last night I found nothing. I put it back in, reset it and it worked just fine until about 15 minutes ago, that was approximately 18 hours. All of a sudden it tripped again! I am fairly good with electrical issues because of my Air Force career, but not sure what is happening here.
For clarity here, are we talking about the GFI outlet tripping OR the breaker for the GFI tripping at the electrical panel?


Well-known member
The GFI outlet is tripping.
When you removed it, where was it at within the over all circuit?
At the end of the line, meaning it doesn’t run to another outlet or in-line with wires in and out that feed another outlet?
And if in-line did you note which side was the supply?
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Well-known member
It is inline and the bottom wires are the supply side.
Ok, good to know, placement within the circuit determines which outlet are protected for ground fault issues.
So, assuming your line, load, netural and ground connections are hooked to the correct terminals on the outlet, your root cause would in theory be on the outbound side of the circuit that feeds other outlets.
I would start by tracing that wiring and looking for obvious issues with the wiring, routing, and connections until you reach the end of the circuit. Is there an outside outlet? Could insulation be cracked open somewhere? Could wiring be rubbing on or near a slide out?
You could attempt to prove the theory correct by unhooking the outbound side of the gfi and see if the outlet hold long term.


Update, we have traveled to a brand new RV resort in Idaho and are no longer having the tripping issue. I did check everything with my meter and all seems to be well. Thanks to everyone for trying to assist.


Well-known member
Update, we have traveled to a brand new RV resort in Idaho and are no longer having the tripping issue. I did check everything with my meter and all seems to be well. Thanks to everyone for trying to assist.
So, I will assume your inspections didn’t uncover anything obvious that would be the assignable cause?


You are correct, I looked at everything, tested everything that I could and all is good. I noticed when we hooked up at the other park, all of the GFI's tripped. It was a small park and they were doing some work at the park.


Well-known member
You are correct, I looked at everything, tested everything that I could and all is good. I noticed when we hooked up at the other park, all of the GFI's tripped. It was a small park and they were doing some work at the park.
Well, I am glad that you are no longer experiencing the issue, have to wonder if something at the previous park was causing the issue, it would appear so.
Best regards!


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Staff member
For $20...you can test the shore power for all sorts of issues. While on our way to the National Rally one RV park we stayed at, had a bad breaker and it was reported on this device. I always check the shore power before plugging in with this. The RV park switched the breaker for us and we were back to clean 50 amp service.
